We all know that the youth of today will be the executives, the creators, the builders of tomorrow. With that in mind, we take drug-education seriously. How in the world can we expect the genius in today’s youth to develop into the working genius of our future if they...
The month of October was packed full of events and activities which raise awareness to very important issues and health concerns. We believe that raising awareness and providing real data is the key to true help. As part of our community outreach, we always strive to...
The poet, Trappist monk John Donne, artfully described something which is not only true, but describes a condition which we work to embody within our community outreach activities at CES. “No man is an island, entire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent,...
In our pursuit to help youth in our community, we continue to sponsor youth sports and activities which truly help children. Through our ongoing sponsorship of our Community Learning Center in Clearwater, we have begun assisting many young athletes by helping to...
“It Takes a Village to Raise a Child” has come to be a very meaningful phrase. The origin of the motto may be debated, but the meaning of this message truly is irrefutable! It may originate from the African continent or Native America, but its message is pertinent,...
Supporting Our Youth Is Something We Work On Each Day! Consumer Energy Solutions works on projects we believe will provide real help to others. Especially activities that EDUCATE! Our CES for a Drug Free World team in particular, seeks out and works with others who...