Why Your Business’s Electric Bill is So High

Why Your Business’s Electric Bill is So High

Updated: 12/19/2022 In this article we are going to cover the main factors that are driving energy prices so high and where the market is likely to go as a result. The factors that drive energy prices up and down can be broken down into 6 categories: Supply Demand...
What Are the Advantages of Nuclear Energy?

What Are the Advantages of Nuclear Energy?

Pros & cons of nuclear energy: is it safe? People often associate nuclear energy with nuclear bombs, or tragedies like Chernobyl or Fukushima. If this is your impression or image of nuclear power, you will be surprised to learn that nuclear energy is actually...
What Are the Disadvantages of Renewable Energy?

What Are the Disadvantages of Renewable Energy?

What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is any form of energy available from the natural environment and can be  replenished repeatedly. An example of this would be hydroelectric or solar energy, these are both freely available in nature and cannot run out by being...
Why Is Electricity So Expensive in Texas?

Why Is Electricity So Expensive in Texas?

Electricity and natural gas prices in Texas are rising in 2022. Here are the top contributing factors as to why Texas electricity prices are so high right now and some things you can do to lower your electricity bill. Why Texas energy prices are rising Energy prices...
Why Are Energy Prices Rising?

Why Are Energy Prices Rising?

In July, year-over-year, consumer price increases topped 9.1%, this is the highest inflationary rise in over 40 years. One of the main causes of this has been soaring energy costs, which affect virtually every sector of the economy.While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine...