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Can We Achieve Energy Independence And What Will It Mean?

Can We Achieve Energy Independence And What Will It Mean?

Did you know we have vast untapped energy reserves right here in America? In fact, per President Trump,1  “America has 1.5 times as much oil as the combined proven resources of all OPEC countries; we have more natural gas than Russia, Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia...
At CES We’re Just Getting Started!

At CES We’re Just Getting Started!

February was an amazing month for us here at CES on many levels. We take Drug Education seriously—so much so that we are dedicating our whole newsletter this month to featuring the MANY Community Betterment activities we were involved in throughout February’s short...
What’s Happening In The Current Energy Market?

What’s Happening In The Current Energy Market?

At CES we monitor what natural gas is doing in the current market because natural gas and electricity’s prices closely parallel each other. Did you know most natural gas consumed in the U.S. comes from domestic production? We do import a bit of natural gas by pipeline...