About Consumer Energy Solutions

Consumer Energy Solutions was founded in 1999 and has successfully enrolled over one million customers in energy choice programs across North America and continues to do so every day.

Representing the largest energy suppliers in North America, we service commercial properties; dedicating ourselves to helping our customers get the best rate for electricity and gas in deregulated markets.

Our continuous research into the energy markets around the country give us the ability to provide our customers with the most competitive energy pricing possible. We find the energy suppliers with the best track record of energy solutions including savings, price protection and reliability.

We provide our customers with the information they need so that they can make an intelligent energy buying decision. Our purpose is to help businesses and consumers navigate energy solutions savings options and reduce their energy bills.

Pat Clouden

CEO, Consumer Energy Solutions, Inc.

Patrick Clouden is the CEO and founder of Consumer Energy Solutions Inc. (CES). Patrick has an extensive background in sales and business management which have both contributed to the great success of CES.

Patrick is passionate about educating and apprenticing individuals so they can gain confidence and ability to generate high performance at their jobs and help the customers they serve. That is why he created a specialized training program which gave inexperienced sales representatives the ability to have screaming success as energy consultants. Over 20 years later, Pat still continues to create a work environment where everyone wins – employees and customers alike.

Management Team

Bev Hepner

Bev Hepner

Chief Financial Officer

Bev Hepner has been with CES since 2004. She came on as a Finance Manager and has moved on to become CFO. Bev has a business and accounting degree and over 40 years experience handling business finances and tax preparation.

She is fully qualified for this monumental job in the energy industry at CES and is incidentally a black belt in Martial Arts two times over. These skills come in handy.

Tina Silagyi

Tina Silagyi

VP of Administration

Tina started with CES in 2009 as a sales representative. From there she joined the Sales Admin team and then went on to Customer Service where she became the manager.

During this time she has earned an Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies which equipped her with the skills to transition into Human Resources where she today handles all of CES’s regulatory and licensing matters. She also oversees the I.T. Department and ultimately has that team keep things of a computer nature up and running throughout the company.

Diana Sipple

Diana Sipple

Director of Sales Support

Diana Sipple has been with CES since 2003. Not only does she oversee the entire CES sales support team, she is also over all the data processing, leads management, reports, and data transfer for the company. Diana and her team are often referred to as the “brain” of the operation.

Her goal is to make sure CES clients, sales reps, managers, and executives have all they need in order to make the sales process run smoothly and productively.

Andrew Acevedo

Andrew Acevedo

Director of Training

Andrew came to us in 2008 and joined our team of trainers. Over the years he has risen to the top dog position of Director of Training. His expertise is to take new hires, which we call “fronters,” and turn them into top notch “closers” or Energy Consultants who are extremely knowledgeable and can effectively help our customers.

Andrew works with his wife, Eleni, to provide top notch training for our entire sales team. They provide a level of training in the energy industry that is simply not available anywhere else.

Steve Guardino

Steve Guardino

East Side Team Sales Manager

Steve came to CES in 2010 and started out in commercial sales. He became the manager for the East Side Team on the commercial floor in 2016. With Jack and Steve managing their teams on the Commercial Sales Floor many, many CES customers have been helped!

Steve started in sales in 2004 and transitioned to the energy industry in 2008. The sales training here at CES has provided Steve with excellent energy industry information, the ability to do his job and help the sales reps on his team. His job is to help everyone with the technical aspects of the energy industry and make sure everyone is up to date on the ever-changing energy market.

Jack Kennedy

Jack Kennedy

West Side Team Sales Manager

Jack Kennedy joined CES in 2012. In short order he became the top sales rep for the program he worked on! He worked on a few more programs and then moved up to the commercial broker floor in 2015. Our sales team is split into the West Side and the East Side. Since 2016 Jack has been the manager of the West Side Team.

Jack has also been busy with his education. During his time at CES he got a Masters Degree in Business Management with a concentration in Energy Industry Management.

Jack is the father of two beautiful children and spends all his free time with his family.

Eleni Acevedo

Eleni Acevedo

Performance Manager

Eleni joined CES in 2012 as a valued member of our training team. Her expertise is working one on one with all our new hires. Everyone comes on as a “fronter” no matter what their knowledge of the energy industry is. With Eleni’s help, while working as fronters, they train and hone their skills and increase their knowledge of the energy industry so they can move on to become expert Energy Consultants.

Eleni is loved by the staff and has worked to create a team of fronters and closers that surpasses normal expectations in this industry! She and her husband, Andrew, are often celebrated by our staff for the level of care and training they provide.

Karen McNealy

Karen McNealy

Customer Service Manager

Karen started out in Sales at CES in 2003. She quickly moved to Customer Service where she has been the Manager since 2010. She has been instrumental in creating our stellar Customer Service team. They help our customers and clients resolve any issues and routinely go above and beyond. Our customers love Karen and her team.

In her spare time, Karen spends time with her granddaughter who loves her “Glamma!”

Heather O'Neill

Heather O'Neill

Customer Service

Heather has been with CES since 2012. She started with the residential sales team where she learned all about the energy industry. She switched to our unique Customer Service Department in 2015. Heather and Karen McNealy make an unrivaled Customer Service team. They are another CES team who go above and beyond and are recognized by others in the industry and by our customers for their excellent “live” and very attainable Customer Service!

Heather grabs her Starbucks coffee and she’s off and running every day without fail. She is dedicated to her kids, and we’re glad she is also dedicated to her CES family.