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truth-about-drugs-irelandHow far is far?  How about the Emerald Isle?

We joined a group of volunteers to spread the truth about drugs to many of the wonderful Irish people.

We joined Britain’s number one swing band, The Jive Aces, who also have a strong passion to keep our youth away from harmful drugs. We toured the country where The Jive Aces performed their upbeat music in town centers and we passed out effective drug prevention booklets to all the crowds.

Over the course of ten days we traveled 1,500 miles and passed out over 8,500 booklets to over 2,700 event attendees. We met students and families and professional people and many business owners.  We danced and sang and traveled and visited every county in Ireland!

music-instead-of-drugsThe drug issues we experience in our country are also the same problems in Ireland. The people of Ireland were warm and friendly and welcomed the booklets we handed out. They were happy to find out about the Foundation for a Drug Free World website and the tools which are available there.

It was a complete joy to travel the beautiful island nation and see the gorgeous countryside and many of the natural treasures of the Emerald Isle. It was an honor to represent my company and our country too, working to keep youth away from the horrors of drug use.


From castles and seaside, to sheep and waterfalls, we saw unimaginable pure beauty.



I never knew that Ireland had so much to offer, but having had this amazing opportunity to really get around the island and to meet so many Irish countrymen, I know this is now a second home for me.



Each month I present drug education lectures in Clearwater. I cover current drug situations and the drug facts and science of what is happening with users, often working with Law Enforcement. CES is always there to support education which fosters success. By educating others with the truth about drugs, we hope to show our youth a more successful way to live without the binding chains of drug addiction.



Working for CES has afforded me many opportunities to contribute to our community to help our youth and to create good-effects. It has proven to be the most productive for us to partner with other good-guys and organizations that really help.


One such organization is the Drug Free America Foundation, founded by Mel and Betty Sembler. Like-minded in our efforts to keep our youth away from drugs we have worked together in educating our state in the truth about marijuana. We have worked together in presenting information to our state legislators concerning bills and have attended countywide and statewide hearings.

The Drug Free America Foundation presented me with their annual Moxie Award for my contributions.  It was an incredible honor and one that I treasure. Being associated with those who really help is the most one can ask for in their life.

I feel that way about Consumer Energy Solutions and with all those we partner with to make our community a better place.


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