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What Happened in Texas in February?

What Happened in Texas in February?

Basics of energy production have to be understood before one can make any sense of what happened in Texas in February when a brutal cold snap lead to blackouts in over four million homes and businesses. For years the Texas grid operator, ERCOT (Electric Reliability...
Energy Choice Matters! Let Me Tell You Why…

Energy Choice Matters! Let Me Tell You Why…

Here we are in November of 2020. What a year! In these trying times we at CES have become even more passionate about our purpose—to help our commercial customers get the best rate for their energy in the current market. We have such good relationships with the Energy...
The U.S. Energy Industry – A Bit Of History

The U.S. Energy Industry – A Bit Of History

At Consumer Energy Solutions (CES) our goal is always to find our customers the best price in the current market for their electricity and natural gas. How do we do that? We shop, so you don’t have to. This is the difference between working with CES and working...