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At CES we really do strive to help our community.

Reaching out with our hearts and our hands to assist valuable non-profit groups, aid children in literacy through tutoring programs, and help others with drug prevention education are just a few ways in which we bring our help.

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”
― Booker T. Washington

There are no limits to one’s happiness in life and no shortage of good-guy groups to help, and no limit to the projects out there waiting for hard-working volunteers to make them successful.

CES has a staff loaded with hard-working volunteers. We come together to donate our time and efforts whenever we can. Recently we had a big opportunity to make a much-needed difference―we brought real beautification and pride to a vital community housing project.

Going Home

No one really wants to be homeless. Let’s be honest, the concept of not having shelter from the elements and no confidence in where you will securely sleep is not something that anyone really wishes to have as part of their daily concerns. Without delving into the many possible contributing factors that can wind a person up in a homeless situation, let’s just say that it is not good for any of us to overlook the matter.

Many groups work from their hearts to assist the homeless population. From religious groups to benevolent companies who donate their time and money to feed, clothe and mentor the individuals identified as “homeless.”

As we have learned, you get much more done by working and partnering together than being out there all alone.

Many concerned, devoted groups who work daily to aid the homeless population in Clearwater joined forces in forming the Going Home Coalition. Bringing their love and skills and devotion to the cause, real change is happening.

Offering real homes to those ready to transition into having a home, is happening here in Clearwater.

Tieman Village

This complex has thirteen apartment units and provides rehabilitated housing apartments for many of Clearwater’s former homeless. It’s a pilot program that has had rave successes and is one that CES is proud to support.

Please read all about the Going Home project here: (

CES has enjoyed a wonderful relationship with Direct Energy Business (DE) for many years. DE recently took notice of all the great community outreach that we are part of. They offered to join forces with us on a big “get your hands dirty” project of our choosing.

Knowing the good works that the Going Home Coalition has been working on, I reached out to them and timing couldn’t have been better. Landscaping was needed at Tieman Village. In order to be compliant with city approvals, costly landscaping had to be done.

With the fantastic DE Marketing team, we coordinated, planned and brought friends on board, enlisting lots of help and volunteers and VOILA! Landscaping Day was upon us.

First, we had to get many important things done, such as the removal of dead trees. Fencing was being put up to secure the property. Local good guys donated their time and materials to do this.

Shout outs to O’Neill’s Tree Service for their generous and professional work at tree removal and Hammer-Haag Steel for the secure fencing installed all around the property.

Bringing Beauty, Life and Pride

Our good friend, Victoria Crocker of Victoria’s Bloomers, jumped on board quickly to help us make this beautification happen. With over 35 years of experience as a landscape designer, and being a woman with a huge giving heart, Victoria worked hard to make a plan that was not only functional but aesthetically beautiful. All was considered and Vicki then handled getting all the plants, dirt and mulch to the site.

The landscaping day arrived and we all jumped in with sweat and muscle and lots of laughs and happiness.

We were assisted by many of our community friends, who were happy to join us. Some of the residents of the housing apartments came to help too. One special resident, Danny, became the best spokesman you could ever imagine. We even provided him with a special gift—the only thing he really felt would make his home really his—a pool.

Thanks to the unlimited generosity of DE Business, who foot the bill for the entire landscaping project, we pulled off something really special. DE executives participated and worked hard right alongside us. Then we all celebrated with a fantastic BBQ feast, all courtesy of DE!

When you put a few good-guys together you can move mountains! This is now a literal statement. Just take a look at these mountains that got moved that day in May!

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