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We’re off to new heights this year!

Each year January brings us all a bright new slate. A new year to succeed! A new year to accomplish goals and dreams.

This year it also brought us a new President of the United States.

No matter what your political persuasion, as fellow Americans, we all wish for a productive four years for our great country.

Some of us even made it to Washington DC for the many 58th Presidential Inauguration festivities.

What a thrill to be in our Nation’s Capital. We went over to visit our Florida Congressman, Gus Bilirakis and we had the most amazing fun ever! We met many Floridians and took tons of photos and had great laughs. We even got a private tour of the Capitol building which was a remarkable treat, just one day before the inauguration with all the hub-bub going on.

Thank you Representative Gus Bilirakis of the 12th district




We kicked off our New Year with our big Company New Year’s Party! Awards for top producers and great food and fun were had by everyone.




We are very blessed to be able to do things in sunny Florida during the winter that not many others in the United States can.

We Community Garden! We work on Neighborhood Clean-ups! We have outdoor Soup Day gatherings!

It’s all about community! And we know what a great community we are a part of. That is why we make sure we participate and show our gratitude whenever we can.

A wonderful group we helped this January is called: The Butterfly Effect of Golf on Education.


This non-profit organization is run by our dear friend, Mr. Robert Dooley. Robert always comes to  our  aid  when  we  need  him  to  help  with  job  education  programs  and  golf  tournaments.

Recently we supported Robert and his big celebration.

Hosted  by  the  Historic  Fort  Harrison  Hotel,  the  event  was  a  spectacular  success.  Robert presented  Hillsborough  Community  College  with a $5,000  sponsorship  for  some  lucky  students, and  HCC  matched  his  $5,000,  granting  $10,000  in  college  tuitions  to  particular  students  to attend HCC Florida. Check out their website:

We dined, we danced and we had a fantastic time!





Helping our community bloom and grow is something we are lucky to work on both in spirit and in the physical sense.

Our  Clearwater  Community  Gardens  being  located  right  across  the street  from  our  office affords us year-round organic gardening and plenty of community love.

We had a group gathering where we all brought home-made soups of many varieties and met up  at  the  garden  on  the  coldest  day  of  the  year!  It  was  exciting  to  enjoy  the  nippy  weather while enjoying hot soups and lots of  laughs with neighbors and some of our City of Clearwater officials.  City  Manager  Bill  Horne  and  Councilman  Bob  Cundiff  spent  a  most-enjoyable afternoon with us.





Keeping our neighborhood safe and clean  is something we are eager to do. The district of East Gateway  in Clearwater  is  where  CES  resides  and  we  are  now  a  part  of  a  community  effort  to bring about its revitalization. The City of Clearwater has plans and we are eager to help them in any way we can. Chief of Police Dan Slaughter has requested our assistance, and so we work.

We started with our second neighborhood clean up and door to door meeting of the neighbors. Many groups and individuals came together to volunteer their time and effort to help make the neighborhood   safer   and   more   happy.   The   Way   To   Happiness   Foundation   of   Clearwater organized  everything!  We  also  had  the  complete  joy  of  a  delicious  pancakes  and  sausage breakfast provided  by the Anderson Family and Clearwater Community Volunteers  food truck! What a great day to come out and join together for such a good cause.



Here’s  to  a  FANTASTIC  2017  for  all!  I  hope  you  are  staying  warm  and sunny.  If  not,  be  sure  to come visit us at Consumer Energy Solutions! We love to share the sunshine with our friends!