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October brings fall temperatures! (Well, who’s kidding who—there are no cool, autumn temperatures for us in Sunny Clearwater, but there is more summer!)

We Floridians learn to embrace the sunshine and are happy that our outdoor events and fun are not quashed by the cold! We enjoy car shows, golf tournaments, outdoor festivals, beach days with no crowds. It’s. All. Good!

Recently we participated in a local Performance Speed Day Jamboree with a great mom and pop shop business called Auto Parts Distributors. What a fun day with an incredible car show which even included a JET car, live entertainment, games, food trucks, snacks and treats for the kids!

These good-guys at APD invited me to come and bring drug prevention materials and a crafts for the kids. On a gorgeous Saturday I got to enjoy all of this fun, plus spread the message to kids and families to stay drug free!

Supporting local businesses like APD on Drew Street in Clearwater makes us really happy at CES. When you work with nice people like Stu and Tiffani and the gang, you know you have a caring bunch of people who care about kids and we thank them for the opportunity.

Rockin’ at the Annual Drug-Free World Concert

This year’s event was a tribute to performing artists whom we have loved and lost to drugs and also those who CHOOSE a drug-free life. The talent was off-the-charts incredible! Local and visiting talent performed PRINCE, QUEEN, WHITNEY HOUSTON and so many more! We are so lucky to support and promote the local Drug Free World Center in our downtown. Free and effective materials are available, along with weekly seminars which bring films and other presentations concerning drug use and abuse and drug prevention to the community.

A riveting and telling documentary film called The Truth About Drugs, Real People Real Stories and other effective, cost-free resources are readily available at:

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