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We have all realized that in order to get big things done we need teamwork, cooperation and partnering. A worthwhile purpose and strong passion combined with joining forces with like-minded good-guys will pretty much guarantee you success. Certainly, it will make the road smoother and filled with more happiness and perhaps even joy.

When you multiply good actions you will effect change in a multiple of ways. Like dominos, one action will directly affect your next-door neighbor. When your action is good, you will absolutely make other good things happen as a direct result of your efforts.


Recently we have partnered with many good-guy groups! From angelic neighbors who give of themselves by opening their home up to anyone at all—putting on a full Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas Toys & Joys event for 18 consecutive years, to assisting with clean-ups of the beach and the surrounding neighborhood, to bringing art and music and reading to school children.

This month’s article will very lightly touch upon some of the activities we have been involved in. To cover it all, would take up pages and pages and be too long.

Please enjoy the highlights here and follow us on social media for all the action as it unfolds each day!

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We are Thankful to Know the Larkin Family of Clearwater

O’Neal and Nedra Larkin are simply angels on Earth. No punches pulled here and no exaggeration either!

These lovely people have created and provided a Thanksgiving feast to anyone who wishes to come to their home and enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner. It started 18 years ago and it fed tens of people back then, and now…HUNDREDS are served right out of the Larkin’s front yard. Many have jumped in to help by serving the dinner and helping with set up and break down, but the dedication of O’Neal and Nedra in bringing LOVE and kindness to their neighbors is remarkable!

Christmas time brings a “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” event which provides a fun lunch and TOYS and BIKES raffled off to all who come. CES is honored to have been part of this year’s action. Our generous employees donated over 100 toys for the kids and we also donated funds to pay for tutoring certificates for those who wished to receive them.

We got another amazing business, PostcardMania interested in our effort and together with Community Learning Center’s donation, we were able to provide 5 hours of specialized, one-on-one professional tutoring to 32 Clearwater families at the Community Learning Center (CLC). CLC is located nearly across the street from the Larkin’s home.

The Larkins received the key to the City of Clearwater by Mayor Cretekos and his wife at the Christmas event.

Such a fitting gift to these genuinely wonderful folks! CES pledges to provide assistance to the good-guy Larkins, wherever and whenever we can.


Teach Our Children Well

We all have our own examples of how it works, “Teach a child how to fish and he will not go hungry.” He will also be able to teach his friends and eventually even his own children “how to fish” and they in turn will do the same.

Our Community Learning Center in Clearwater is always the focus of our CES benevolence because they provide vital skills and one-on-one assistance to children each and every day. Whenever we can help the CLC, we do.

Recently we worked hard to pull off the most successful charity golf tournament for them. We partner with good-guys like Peggy and Gary Patrick and family who have brought this tournament to the CLC for 6 years! Working together with them and other incredibly generous sponsors, we pulled-off this extremely fun event, bringing in a total of over $43,000 for CLC! It’s just simply amazing!

Bringing Arts and Reading Time to the CLC Academy Little Kids

Each month CES provides the funds and love needed to send me to the CLC for Reading and Crafts time. I would be lying to say that this is “work” to me! I LOVE each and every minute of creating a craft and working out the kinks of the art project so that the kids really enjoy our 1 1/2-hour sessions.

Depending on the month and time of year, I go to the library and find a book they’ll enjoy. Reading to them and then immediately creating art together has become the highlight of my month and they are pretty happy to spend our time together too.


My favorite hashtag #LoveAndHelpChildren comes from my favorite booklet: The Way to Happiness, by L. Ron Hubbard.

This little pocket-sized gem holds 21 precepts, which if followed, would truly deliver a happy life to absolutely anyone! You’d be wise to look it over yourself at and you can even WATCH the 21 precepts come to life in a gorgeously produced video.

In working with community Good-Guys we really strive to spread happiness and to #SetAGoodExample for others to do the same.

If you have any great ideas for us to participate in, along these lines, we would be very happy to check them out.

See you next month!