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Save Our Students Foundation of Tampa Bay Inc. works to help children succeed. At their first annual conference for young women, CES came to lend a hand. Lynn Posyton, CES Director of Community relations was honored to emcee the event and she brought the informative drug education booklets from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World to all the attendees.

kids-at-sos-eventThese young women were treated to a day of mentoring and caring by all of the speakers. Each speaker brought their stories of success, love and inspiration

SOS’s mission is “to give youth a place that they could feel safe and know that someone cares.“ April Jones, Executive Director and school teacher believes that children are often greatly misunderstood. She feels that all children deserve a chance to have a positive and productive educational experience.

April believes deeply that we must make sure that a child has a positive and nurturing home life to be successful. “…If that child lacks that, we have a duty to step in and help the family get informed, trained educated or help overcome their barriers..,”

Her favorite quote is from her VP and partner: “Reach one, Teach one!”

holly-lynn-aprilCES also brought dictionaries from our Community Learning Center as a donation to the event. We played a fun trivia game about powerful women and the winners got a dictionary.

SOS and CES will continue to do activities to help the kids and families by opening the Community Learning Center to them for their monthly mentoring workshops and much more.

April and Anthony came to the Community Learning Center for a tour and to go over how we can help them with their program.

We are happy to join together in helping the SOS Foundation kids at our CES sponsored Community Learning Center in Clearwater.

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