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We’re in the Community♥ We’re on the Radio♥ We’re there to help wherever help is needed♥

From Community Gardening, to celebrating our veterans, to providing Drug Education, to fighting illiteracy, to coming to the aid of those in the Bahamas who need assistance after the nightmare of Hurricane Dorian, CES is all heart!♥

CES Joins Local Charities To Create Good Effects

CES for a Drug-Free World is part of a local charity coalition which meets monthly.

The fabulous historic Fort Harrison provides the venue which is always impeccably beautiful and delicious.

As part of the amazing monthly luncheon we bring in speakers and presenters who help each of us attain success for our non-profit organizations and charities.

In a recent meeting a “Speed Networking” game was brought to us by devoted community member and true friend, Tonya Lewis of Children with a Vision. We all had 6 minutes each to introduce ourselves to another and speak about our purpose. This was incredibly fun and productive. One group, which was the featured charity, was Keep Pinellas Beautiful. An affiliate organization to Keep America Beautiful, this incredible group works in programs which preserve the beautiful environments of our neighborhoods. I was very excited to connect with them, as CES has gotten involved in our own neighborhood and wants to do all we can do to Keep Our Community Beautiful!


Drug Education In Our Community

Regularly I present drug education lectures in Clearwater. I cover current drug situations and the drug facts and science of what is happening with users, often working with Law Enforcement. CES is always there to support education which fosters success. By educating others with the truth about drugs, we hope to show our youth a more successful way to live without the binding chains of drug addiction.


The Talk Of The Town Radio Show—WTAN 1340 AM And 106.1 FM

Our one hour long weekly radio show is dedicated to spreading news that is positive and filled with good deeds. Broadcasting LIVE every Tuesday at 5 pm from WTAN 1340 AM and 106.1 FM, CES sponsors the program called The Talk of the Town. It’s where GOOD Guys and GOOD News meet! Each week you can hear me and a special guest (and see me on Facebook LIVE) from 5:00-6:00pm talking about what’s happening that is worthwhile in our community.

I hope you join in some time. Locally it’s perfect entertainment for the drive home from work.

If you are out of town you can go to where the podcast airs, or you can have even more fun by watching me, Lynn Posyton, aka “Lynn About Town,” LIVE on my Facebook page each week. @LynnPostyon.

The format of the show is to showcase GOOD Guys, GOOD Businesses, GOOD news and GOOD events!

Featured guests have included the amazing story of recovery told candidly by Jason Good—his history of drug abuse and failed rehab programs—until he found Narconon. This is a true GOOD GUY. He offers his time and efforts to anyone who wishes to reach out to him for help or aid in coming off drugs.

He can be reached at Narconon at 888-344-0826. And here’s their website:

Should you wish to learn the TRUTH about drugs for yourself, your friends, family, business associates or acquaintances, you can find up-to-date information on all drugs of use and abuse at:

If you wish to get hold of these effective materials at NO cost, please reach out to me:

When you start looking for it there is so much good happening around us in this community. It is truly my pleasure to bring in guests and make their good works and event known on the radio! Here are a few recent photographs of special guests!

One Of Our Absolutely Favorite Groups To Support Is Clearwater Community Learning Center!

CES has been a proud supporter of the CLC for many years.

CES employees have been sponsoring a music and singing lesson program for the kids in the CLC Academy. We recently presented a big check to CLC which was all employee-raised funds!

Of course, right along with music is the love of arts and crafts that all kids enjoy. And since I love working with children and creating fun art projects I knew it would be a hit! So, each month I head to CLC with a theme, a book and a craft project.


Getting out there in life and working for the good of your community is priceless! If ever there is a way to WIN at this game of life, I truly believe that contributing to things that enhance real survival is how to play!

I am very lucky to have the support and dedication of Consumer Energy Solutions. Each employee and executive in our company makes it possible! We hope that by our example, more companies join in the game.

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