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CES Works to Be a Good Neighbor
Because Charity Begins at Home

My very wise mother would always remind us that “Charity begins at home”.


As a child this was a reminder to not only work to help others with our actions but to start our good behavior with one another at home.

Often we can forget this and we look far beyond home for where to help others.

Whereas ALL efforts to help are appreciated, there is the aspect of taking responsibility for where you live as a real beginning to betterment outreach.


That is why CES is so excited to be an active participant in the full revitalization of the East Gateway District in Clearwater, which is the neighborhood that we call home.

CES is thrilled to partner with very local neighbors, businesses, groups, and churches to really improve our home!

After finding out what is needed and wanted by survey of the community, we began this endeavor with a big cleanup of the neighborhood. We met and started in our Clearwater Community Gardens.

CES is an active member of the Clearwater Community Gardens which is located directly across the street from our offices.

cpd-and-ces-at-community-gardenIn the hot sun we tackled gardening and garbage! We went door to door to speak to neighbors about what we are doing and asked what they would like to see changed in their neighborhood.

The Clearwater Police Department was present and were very engaged in our efforts.

East Gateway follows as the second neighborhood to receive our help in Clearwater. The first neighborhood is called North Greenwood, which as a result of the full improvement project, was positively impacted with an over 60% drop in crime in one year!


CES Rewards AAU Football Silver Medalists

team-florida-at-clcAnother group close to home that really deserves our help is our Team Florida Off-season Football team.

CES is so eager to see our youth flourish and prosper in life, that we sponsor Team Florida in many ways. Recently we hosted the team and sponsors and families at a celebration party which we held at the Community Learning Center.

Many of the boys have received the benefit of one-on-one tutoring programs and homework help at the center. CES has been an active participant in this program with donations of time and finance. We had a great party and received a lovely award from Team Florida.


We look forward to sharing the wins of many more championships and celebrating scholastic excellence with the many future college offers these boys will receive!

Remember to love your neighbor and begin your charitable acts at home. With your family, with your co-workers, with your neighborhood!