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To keep children from harmful drugs and to inform parents and all individuals of the TRUTH about drugs, CES reaches out to the community with real education efforts using the effective materials from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. These materials are provided at no charge to whoever would like to have them.

Drug Free World - Drug Summit RegistrationRecently we co-hosted an important event concerning the TRUTH about Marijuana. So much is happening with this drug, that we felt it necessary to get the facts out to our community. Two special key speakers were brought from national organizations to brief our audience on what is actually happening with marijuana across the country.

John Redman our keynote speaker brought a wealth of information to us. The 140 community members in attendance were honored to be part of this deeply educational event. Mr. Redman is an internationally recognized speaker and discussion facilitator on drug policy issues — particularly as they pertain to kids. He is the executive director of Californians for Drug-Free Youth, where he works to help people across industries, nonprofit organizations, faith-based institutions and educational campuses connect, communicate and collaborate to develop effective drug-prevention strategies. (see John’s biography below)

Amy Ronshausen speaking at Drug SummitAmy Ronshausen, Interim Deputy Director of Save our Society from Drugs, gave the group a detailed understanding of what is happening with the legalization of marijuana, particular to our state of Florida. It was a wealth of information and the data presented was well received, due to the factual and detailed nature, specific to our citizens. (see Amy’s biography below)

CES was also a sponsor for the 2014 Drug Summit in Tampa Florida, two days of addressing the many concerns of harmful drugs across our state and nation. Over 400 like-minded people joined forces to dialogue and work out solutions to the many problems caused by both illicit drugs and abuse of prescription drugs, which are in epidemic proportions in our area.

Lynn Posyton with sheriff's policeWe were in the good company of caring individuals from law enforcement, drug abuse counselors, rehabilitation and education specialists to strategize and work in coalition for real solutions.

As a business sponsor for the event, CES was a featured vendor at the event. We distributed boxes and boxes of materials from the Truth about Drugs program to all attendees. We learned from the many astute professional speakers who were part of this two day summit.

The vast education we received during this 2-day event will enable us to be more effective in this fight to educate our community and beyond with the TRUTH about drugs. CES now has a longer reach into the communities we serve with valuable help and education for all.

Perhaps you wish to receive free materials for a group you are part of. Perhaps you would like to find out more about what we are doing to really help youth. Please contact Lynn Posyton, CES Director of Community Relations for more information.

John Redman is an internationally recognized speaker and discussion facilitator on drug policy issues — particularly as they pertain to kids. He is the executive director of Californians for Drug-Free Youth, where he works to help people across industries, nonprofit organizations, faith-based institutions and educational campuses connect, communicate and collaborate to develop effective drug-prevention strategies. Mr. Redman is passionate about assisting specific communities because he is also an expert on national drug problems and sees how change at the local level could help address them. He also serves the as the Director of Demand Reduction for California’s High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas.

Mr. Redman has been honored as an Ambassador of Peace with, the United Nations Middle East Peace Initiative; he was a Delegate to the United Nations Collaboration on Global Drug Policy, 2008; the recipient of the Director’s Award for Distinguished Service from the Office of the President’s, Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP); the recipient of the President’s Call to Service Award, 2008 and in 2011 he was honored as the Citizen of the Year from the California Narcotics Officers Association.

He holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, (1983), an M.F.A. degree in design from San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, (1996) and an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from Sacramento Theological Seminary and Bible College.


Amy RonshausenAmy Ronshausen is the interim Deputy Director of both Drug Free America Foundation, Inc. and Save Our Society from Drugs (S.O.S.), both national nonprofit organizations that work to defeat drug legalization attempts, promote sound drug policies, and prevent drug use, abuse and addiction. Mrs. Ronshausen also serves the Executive Director for the Florida Coalition Alliance, representing over 30 community anti-drug coalitions.

Previously Mrs. Ronshausen worked for Operation PAR, starting off as a call specialist in their access center and then working as a juvenile certified GAIN assessor. Mrs. Ronshausen also worked as a juvenile counselor for PAR’s Adolescent Recovery Intervention Services and the Juvenile Enhancement Treatment Services, trained in Motivational Enhancement and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Prior to coming to S.O.S., Mrs. Ronshausen spent three years as a program specialist with Pinellas County Adult Drug Court, working under four judges. While in drug court, Mrs. Ronshausen linked defendants with treatment providers and monitored their progress through the criminal justice system. In 2007 Mrs. Ronshausen was awarded Best Team Practices for her work in Adult Drug Court.

She is a LiveFree! Key Leader Council member and chairs the Capacity and Resource Assessment workgroup. She also chairs the Marijuana Task Force as part of the Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance and serves on the Pinellas County Prescription Drug Advisory Board.

Outside of drug policy issues, Mrs. Ronshausen actively supports Autism Speaks, Operation Christmas Child and Metropolitan Ministries and is a member of Pasadena Presbyterian Church.

Mrs. Ronshausen received her Bachelor’s of Arts Degree from University of South Florida and has completed more than half of the requirements needed to become a Certified Addictions Professional (CAP).

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