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Here it is the beginning of November and CES just had its BEST week of the year in sales! You can feel the buzz in the air just walking through the company and I want to really acknowledge this extremely productive team!

How has CES put together such a great, stable team? It’s our training. In an industry that is constantly changing, our training helps our reps stay in front of the changes so they can pass on current market conditions to our customers knowledgeably and help them understand how to make good energy buying decisions. Even our veteran sales reps appreciate the training we offer at CES. It is the best in the industry.

Now, why should you, the reader, care about our success?

Well, our success means we have helped a lot of residential and commercial customers. Energy prices are low right now and many customers are locking in great rates for the winter heating season providing peace of mind and a “Bring it on!” attitude to old man winter! Rising energy costs is one winter worry our customers can take off their checklist.

How do we do this? At CES we have contracts with the top Energy Supply Companies in the nation and we are able to bring competitive prices to our customers that they just can’t get anywhere else. Our brokers work for YOU to bring you the supplier that best fits your needs.

For example we helped a huge number of natural gas commercial customers this week. Natural gas is often used for heating and people want to lock in a low fixed rate that will carry them through the winter season.

For our New York residential customers the energy supplier is Agway Energy. This is one of the country’s oldest, largest energy suppliers and they are able to buy energy in bulk, passing on competitive rates to customers.

Additionally, when Agway Energy is your residential supplier, you also get the Energy Guard Program. This program is only available through Agway and sets them apart from other suppliers. The Energy Guard Program provides your home with coverage for your furnace or boiler if you use natural gas and it provides your home with coverage for your electrical wiring if you are an electricity customer.

happy-ces-teamWhether our customers are residential or commercial, the CES team brings genuine help and service by being extremely well-trained and knowledgeable about the energy industry. And when we help a customer save money (which is a common occurrence) you should see it here at CES—bells ring, high fives ripple through the floor and everyone shares in the win—including our customers!

Call CES today for a Free Rate Analysis and see how we can save you money. 866-253-9600.