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And CES loves getting out and getting into it!

May has been a beautiful month in Clearwater. The weather has been simply glorious, and we have really started activities all over that make us feel alive and expansive! It is a wonderful feeling.

Take for instance our Miss Anita Diaz, Interviewer Extraordinaire. She represents CES and our Community Good News Warehouse and she goes to where the action is. On her travels around town, she found that every other Sunday there are a group of people who meet right in the heart of downtown Clearwater. This area is called The District and here the street is closed off and is a place to eat, play, dance, etc. What Anita found is a group of people who create, right on the spot, a Drum Circle. And EVERYONE is invited. In fact, if you forget to bring a drum or other instrument, they’ll lend you one so you can participate. Or you can simply dance your heart out!

This group is out to create pure joy and entertainment. They do this in communities all around the county. You can find out more about them on Facebook at Dunedin Causeway Drum & Dance.

Watch the video below to get the flavor of this event. Their efforts come from a place of love and desire to share experiences.


Soul City at Studio 131

We met the talented Jamicheal Harris at an art show in St. Petersburg. He was the disc jockey at the event. Simply chatting with him, we found out there was a lot more to Jamicheal than meets the eye.

He operates Studio 131 in Largo, Florida, just south of Clearwater. Here you’ll find Soul City, his business and the host of all kinds of activities that he brings together.

Studio 131 is a HUGE place with space for literally any kind of activity. There’s a totally set up photography studio and event venue. There is a fully functioning and set up kitchen. There is a dance floor and state of the art light and sound system. There are rooms where one can give private music lessons or have parties or hold lectures. Every month he has a networking event called the Day Market, where businesses can set up and display their wares or services. And Jamicheal is proud of the fact that he really makes this venue affordable to anyone!

Watch the video below to see Studio 131 and meet Jamicheal. We know we will be doing more with him in the future.

We love getting out into the community and finding out what’s happening, who is doing what and how they uplift our community. We’d love to hear what’s happening in YOUR community? Care to share the news?

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