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As your energy broker, we wanted to relay some information to you from the energy supplier, NRG. If you are a Direct Energy customer you will soon be contacted by NRG, to let you know that they have acquired Direct Energy and will be integrating DE under their brand. NRG is one of the largest energy providers in the state of Texas and has been providing energy to 11 states. With the acquisition of Direct Energy, they have over doubled their customer base now serving more than 6 million customers in all 50 states and parts of Canada, with capabilities across residential and small & large business segments. We’ve provided their official statement on this below.

Please note that this not affect your relationship with CES in anyway nor will any changes need to be made at this time.

If you have ANY questions, please call our CES Customer Service team directly at 1-866-263-7808. They are here, live and in person Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm.


We’re coming together as one company to better serve your business


Learn more about NRG’s plans to integrate its family of brands into one.

Thank you for trusting us with your energy supply—we appreciate the opportunity to serve you. We have some important information for you about NRG’s family of business brands, which includes Green Mountain Energy, Reliant, Cirro and Direct Energy Business.

What’s going on?

Since NRG completed its acquisition of Direct Energy earlier this year, they have been working diligently to set the future path of NRG and its retail energy brands. In the coming months, NRG will be integrating its family of business brands into one-NRG Business. This will allow us to provide one cohesive experience that capitalizes on the best practices and assets from each of our brands. In the future, all contracting, customer support, billing and operations will be conducted as NRG Business.

How does this benefit me?

By bringing together the product offerings, services, tools, customer experience, people and expertise that drive our family of brands, we will be stronger and more capable than ever to inspire, empower and delight you, while delivering the right solutions for your business. For example, you’ll gain access to:

  • Our powerful online account management tool
  • An experienced team of in-house client services professionals
  • A steady flow of communications to keep you informed of everything related to your account and help you make better energy decisions

How does this impact me?

For the next several months, it will be business as usual:

  • You can continue to work with the same sales contact—either your Account Executive or your energy broker—that you have been
  • You can continue to reach out to the same customer care team with your questions or concerns
  • Your current contract will remain in place through the end of your term

In 2022, we’ll begin transitioning customers like you to NRG Business. Although there may be some changes for your business at that time, we are laser-focused on making that transition smooth and ensuring that any changes result in an enhanced end-to-end experience for your business.

What’s next?

We will have a lot of exciting information to share with you in the coming weeks so stay tuned! If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to your Account Executive or broker.