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I am often asked what sets CES apart from other energy sales companies. This is a very easy question to answer. It’s a one-word-answer. However, you most likely will not believe me if I tell you what that word is. So I’m going to give you a bit of CES history before I blurt it out so that you can begin to understand why the answer to that question is so simple and true.

Let me go over a few things that lead me down an interesting trail—a trail that has lead this company to unprecedented success even during hard economic times. And to highest ever after highest ever as our economy has gotten better.

One day about 8 or 9 years ago, I was noticing that we had a few real gems working for us. Out of about 130 employees, we had about 5 sales reps that could consistently produce high numbers while serving customers so they got the best energy rates in the current market. I found myself repeatedly wishing that I could clone these guys. But “everyone knows” that in this industry it’s a numbers game. You just keep hiring people, keep that revolving back door open for when they don’t work out, and inevitably, once in a while you find one of those real gems. It’s nothing you can really control. They just sometimes land in your office.

Yes, “everyone knows” that’s how it’s done. You just have to trust the Fates, rub your lucky rabbit’s foot once in a while and think the right thoughts….

Then it hit me! Well, why can’t I clone them?

This question started me down a path that lead to where we are today. But there have been many milestones along the way. And that first milestone was realizing I could clone them, or at least clone what they know.

My son had a research company and I decided to hire him. I had him come in and interview each of these 5 successful sales reps—thoroughly. We found out exactly what these 5 successful sales reps did, how they did it, how they talked to customers, how they expressed agreement, what look did they have on their face when they said it, what did they write in their notes, how did they ensure customers were happy, basically we found out how they did EVERYTHING.

And when we compared the successful actions of the 5 different reps, some things they ALL did began to emerge.

It was at this point we developed our first draft of a sales training program that was based on this research. Right, wrong, or indifferent, what happened was interesting! As soon as we started putting other sales reps through this “training program,” the huge flow of unsuccessful failures going out that revolving back door began to slow down. New employees were catching on faster. Older employees were taking this training, using it and making their numbers go up. And consequently CES’s overall numbers were going up. And the number of happy, satisfied customers was also going up! But we didn’t stop there.

This was only the beginning—the beginning of something big—the development of our unique training program at CES.

Yes, there is a one-word answer to the question, what sets CES apart from other Energy Sales Companies? That word is:


And over the last ten years I would confidently make the claim that today our training program has evolved to something that is the best in the industry!

Let me leave you with this recent success story from one of CES’s sales reps:

“This training program was very beneficial to me. I was pleasantly surprised, yet again, at the amount of training that CES provides us with. I feel as if I have a whole team of people behind me that truly wants me to succeed. I’ve very proud to be a part of the CES team! Everything I learn in training I immediately apply to my career as a sales representative. Thanks for all the help!” –KL