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Consumer Energy Solutions Expands Our Efforts in Keeping Kids Away From Harmful Drugs
May was a very busy month for us. In spreading the truth about drugs, we...
CES Sponsors a Clearwater Little League Girls Teen Softball Team Called THE STORM
Keep your Head in the Game…Stay Drug Free! Youth sports teach children many...
CES Is Part of a Community Charity Coalition That Focuses on Improving Lives
When you care about your community you are eager to partner with others who...
CES for a Drug-Free World Sponsors 3rd Annual Drug Prevention Summit
In our ongoing efforts to educate people with the TRUTH about drugs, our CES...
Why Is the Government Telling Us What Kind of Light Bulbs We Can Use?
Not so long ago I needed to replace some light bulbs in my house. I usually...
Why YOU have to be Energy Efficient
Energy efficiency has become the hot topic of the day. With energy prices...
5 Ways to Save 10-15% on Your Heating Immediately
Is your heating bill higher than you want it to be? Here are five easy-to-do...
7 Simple Energy Efficiency Upgrades You Can Do In One Weekend
Here are seven home repairs and improvements that you can; with a little...